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2014 / Myanmar / Yangon

January 25, 2015
Major #throwback to the recess week from one whole year ago:

Shwedagon Pagoda by night

Karaweik Palace

Shan Khao Swe!

Scott's Market / Bogyoke Aung San Market

Moh Let Saung & Shwe Yin Aye
MUST EAT at Scott's Mkt! We had a bowl of Shwe Yin Aye every trip there, simply because one gets tired and would wna sit down to quench his thirst midday. 
But of course, this is cheap & yummy~

Chinatown by night


I never knew this was how pickled tea leaves were sold

Home sweet home after 3D2N... or 4D3N I can't remember

This was actually my first trip there in 9 years. While not much has changed there, I have. The places I used to find wide and spacious as a child now appeared small. That said, the swing in the front yard is still big, and still works. It was heartening to see my 9-year-old cousin swing on it, the way my brother and I did 9 years ago. Despite all that time away, some sights along the way quickly became familiar again - the walk up Shwedagon, the food stalls in Scott's Mkt, the roads around Inya Lake... 

... I'm really terrible at writing. 
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