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☼ USS x BANG ☁

April 6, 2013
About two weeks back (on March 14 to be exact), we went to USS!!! Finally... and probably only because our discount was expiring end-March. We were missing JH who was working and Xiaoyuan who was studying though :( Anyhoo, I guess we were pretty unlucky - it rained that day and for once I actually really hated our tropical climate. There wasn't even a single drop of rain over the following two days and that's why I said unlucky. But man! Rain ain't gonna stop us from having fun!

Walking to Sentosa because we will save. every. dollar. we. can. #cheapskate

Rapids Adventure at Jurassic Park!

All calm and DRY... unaware of what the future held for us.

We were having so much fun being soaked LOL. Seriously who gets as unlucky as me? We rode it twice and my row got, in Xinyuan's words, ENGULFED by the water twice. 

RX was having so much fun hahaha

Broken up photos of us because strangers take bad photos... :(

Left) Evidence of a bad photo. I can't believe there are WORSE ones where half the photo is just the floor.
Right) And so I resumed my photographer duty ✌

I like these candid shots because we all look SO HAPPY and they are actually good photos. We were about to take a photo w Ernie but the photographer was directing us to stand closer or sth, so Ernie stepped out to direct us LOL

Finally a photo with Ernie!

Conquered both!!! I say 'conquered' because I'm a cowardly weakling at heart but somehow grew balls to take 'em both. As a matter of fact, they are my first "adult" roller coasters and possibly also my first ones where I kept my eyes peeled open! That said, I find the smaller, dragon one at Far Far Away scarier. Kept my eyes closed on that one. #loser

Left) WALAO THAT GUY GOT PROBLEM ONE I SWEAR. I wanted to take the photo on the right, so I was adjusting my camera settings and troubling Ying to help us take. The moment I was done preparing, I turned back only to see THAT GUY STANDING WHERE I WANTED TO STAND. AND REFUSED TO BUDGE!!! He only left after William and RX reluctantly (I suppose) took a photo with him. He didn't even leave immediately argh... he still stuck around, possibly thinking the rest of us wanted a shot too but sorry nope. 

Ok I sound terribly mean but argh... bad photos and photo ruin-ers were really frustrating that day.

I was in a really awkward position because Prince Charming was elbowing me -_-

Last group shot to end the day!

USS was actually INCREDIBLY fun. I used to think it was too hyped up and that Singapore was likely to disappoint (oops)... but it was definitely worth the hype! I guess the only disappointment was how small the place was? The rides were pretty close to each other. Yet, we still didn't have enough of USS!!! We didn't even have time to watch shows, or take enough re-rides :( Luckily, like Ying said, we're all on the same frequency and think we should get a 2-day pass the next time! Ah, but when will that day come though...

4 comments on "☼ USS x BANG ☁"
  1. Oli is like hugging and practically kissing every character she comes into contact with

    1. HAHA that's true. She'd have hugged even Pinocchio's nose if not for the staff telling her not to touch him.

  2. I GET WHAT YOU MEAN BY STRANGERS TAKE BAD PHOTOS. All the group shots taken by strangers in HK had the top cut off wtf,

    1. YA WTF!!!!!! Their sense of photo composition is beyond zero... must be like negative 1000 alr >:(
