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嫦娥奔月: Xinyuan's 21st

April 1, 2013

嫦娥奔月 was the theme of Xinyuan's birthday LOL, but we hardly followed it. Only the birthday girl herself  stuck to it, turning up in a stunning, flowy maxi dress and looking super pretty in it!! So pretty she got compliments from JH's colleagues after JH set a new profile pic heheh~ The only other thing that was related to the theme that night was her "birthday cake" #1 which was a mooncake. I had suggested it for fun and we didn't think we could actually find a mooncake at this time of the year. But, as fate has it, Yingying found it in the basement of Takashimaya just minutes prior to meeting Xinyuan at the restaurant. So that plan went well, and our 嫦娥 had mooncake for her 21st~ 

(Crazy/Weird) Theme aside, the dinner was awesome!!! We found out that... we don't know each other well despite this year being our 7th year together. It started from "Winnie you eat beef?!' to "William you don't eat beef?!" and further went on to "Yingying I thought you lived in Queenstown" "Not meh!?" HAHAHA. That says a lot about us despite having gone to several BBQ meat buffets together oops. (@RX: Idk if you know the existence of this blog but if you do, and are reading this, rest assured that we all know you don't eat beef.) We also saw a Xiaoyuan going gaga and exclaiming "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD." literally at realising how Xinyuan resembled Fan Bing Bing in one of Ollie's photos. Sigh I guess the only thing we know about each other is that we were lower sec classmates HOPEFULLY. 

The dinner layout itself was interesting too. 8 people in a private room - 4 each on 2 tables which were separated by a significant distance. We basically had conversations across the room in every possible direction. Oh! Somebody suggested Xinyuan sit in between both tables and entertain both sides since she was the birthday girl LOL. What a terrible layout it was... I don't think I spoke to Ollie or Pris the entire night. We were probably terrible diners ourselves, having spent only a minimal amount in a restaurant located in an ~atas~ mall, after bringing so much inconvenience to the staff. Our inconvenience to them didn't even end at that point we left the restaurant for good - we left the 鳳梨酥s Pris had specially brought from Taiwan for us in that room and had to call them up. It would be no surprise if we are now blacklisted LOL. 

After the dinner, Xinyuan, Ying and William came over to my place for a sleepover where we did the norms of gossiping and stalking heh. Speaking of social media, RX Whatsapp-ed us that #itsBANGday was trending on Twitter. How very apt. While Xinyuan crashed at 3AM, Ying, William and I finally got down (quite literally) to our midnight baking that we had wanted to do two weeks back but abandoned it for sleep. And so we made SUPER MOIST lemon cupcakes that were sooo good!!! And then we all finally slept at 5 plus,  but the heavy sleeper in me didn't send William and Ying off when they left at presumably 8 plus for work. 

And so, that was another amazing birthday celebration w BANG! Ah, that's why I like the first half of the year better - there are all these birthday gatherings to look forward to every month unlike the very dull and uneventful stretch from July to Dec. Once again, I can't wait for the next birthday celebration!! (And wow I have not typed such a detailed recount in a long, loooong time.)

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