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Oh how Marvey-lous!

March 30, 2013

I don't even know which episode this is from because I'm only at S02E04 but THIS JUST PORTRAYS MY FAVOURITE OTP ATM SO DARN PERFECTLY. 

Mike x Harvey are SOOO cute together omg omg I had to take a break from my Suits marathon just to spaz for a few sentences that I'll later on attempt to summarise under 140 characters and repeat on my Twitter. Anyhoo, they freaking bring out the best of each other!!!!! They're the epitome of 'You're the Coke to my burger' or 'You're sin^2(x) and I'm cos^2(x) and together we're 1'... THAT SORT OF THING. Sure as hell there are other cute pairings I spaz about like, Barney/Robin, Nick/Jess, etc... but they only do cute things together (or weird things in the case of Nick/Jess) that make them adorable, BUT MARVEY. ARGH I think I die a little inside every time Mike initiates a fist bump and Harvey gets off his high horse and reciprocate Mike's kiddo fist bump, or every time they reference the same movie (ooo Mike being the Fredo to Harvey's Robert Duvall ♡), or or, every time Harvey gets overly concerned about Mike to the point of threatening to quit should Jessica fire Mike when he already made his stand in the very first episode that he does not have emotions!!! 

Omg omg omg this is like deja vu of my younger fangirl days but fuck THEY ARE SO CUTE, WHEN I SEARCHED FOR THEM ON TUMBLR - THERE ARE SO. MANY. FANFICS FOR THEM LOL. I find that amazing bc... idk? they're not meant to be a couple? The conventional couple in the show, Mike x Rachel, however, doesn't even even come close to Marvey. Honestly, Rachel's hot and smart, but she just doesn't hold a candle to Harvey ha. Harvey's just... extremely charming AND Mike brings the best out of that.

Okay since I'm alr on the topic of Suits, everybody in it is so lovable even Louis LOL. Alright, enough rambling - back to my show!!!

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