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2014 / Myanmar / Inle, Taungyi

January 9, 2016

December 12-31

Hello photo blog, finally logged in again after almost an entire year! I'd even forgotten my Flickr handle & spent 15 mins fumbling my way in. (Yahoo? Seriously? Why??? Who even uses that now????) But all's good & I'm back!

I FINALLY got Lightroom after being advised several times but the final push came last week when William elaborated on its ~*magical*~ functions. It's funny how I've been editing photos for ages (since Livejournal days!), having relied on Photoshop and PS Actions. Yet there had always existed an easier program that I just never got around to downloading. Also downloaded a bunch of filters while at it, although I think "a bunch" is a severe understatement. There's no better way to describe the insane amount of filters available than 我看到眼花缭乱 @@ 

Anyway, this is a major throwback to 2014's holiday in Myanmar. It was a road trip from Yangon to Taunggyi, Bagan, Mandalay and back to the capital. We traveled from the sweltering heat of Yangon to the chilly states that warranted much layering. It doesn't look it, but it was cold all around the above places. I also fell sick & got some 3 injections (to reduce fever rapidly) along the way. But the same cool weather brought us blue skies and blue waters at Inle Lake, which I later learnt in summer 2015 is clearly not available in summer.

I can't believe I edited so many photos but it's barely half the trip!! I still have backlogs of photos from Seoul 2014, Bangkok 2015 x2 and Yangon 2015 homg.

2016 resolution: Clear backlog & keep up with this photo blog.
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