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Why do all good things come to an end?

June 28, 2013

So much love for the past week's nails!!! These + these stripes x polka dots x roses ones are probably my  favourites out of all those that I've painted so far. Absolutely loved the roses, so much so that I had to grab my 50mm lens to capture 'em in their most magnificent glory and then dedicate an entire blog entry to my nails. But y'know, as usual, the nail polish starts chipping and begins ruining the aesthetic appeal of my nails... so they had to go. Why do all good things come to an end? Flames to dust, lovers to frien - wait - we're still talking about nails right? Anyhoo, I can haz geometric-ish nail art now? I think they look pretty bad close up though.
2 comments on "Why do all good things come to an end?"
  1. I don't see any stripes but WTF THEY ARE SO PRETTY LOVE THEM

    1. The "these stripes x polka dots x roses ones" is linked out right??? Anyway hehe thanks~
