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June 19, 2013
Since my last text entry, I got another job... and left. It was a one-month stint at Ts with Ollie, but frankly speaking, we rarely worked together or got the same shifts or the same breaks. Sigh. That's alright though, cus I got to meet other humans my age !!! This was very amazing given that my previous job saw me interacting with merely an old laptop, and occasionally the lady at the printing shop everyday for two and a half months. So, meeting people was kinda a big deal to me despite my inherently anti-social character lolol. Yet, just as I was beginning to enjoy the job....... the contract ended. Major anti-climax. Anyhow, I am actually really grateful for this job! Ticked off my "Try 3 different jobs" goal on my mental "Things to do after As" list. Plus I also got to see a world beyond mine. So that's that. 

Fast-forward to today - tenth day of my nua life. Life now basically alternates between going out to nua and sleeping 16h at home. Case in point for the former: meeting most of BANG in JE Starbucks just to laze around then subsequently finding ourselves seated on the floor of a corner in Orchard Central continuing to laze around. And the latter: waking up at 7.30AM to brush my teeth then going back to bed and waking up again at 9AM to have my breakfast then going back to bed and... you get the drift. Although, I actually don't think I can do the latter anymore - the weather's getting too ridiculously warm for me to take afternoon naps. I completely fucked up my sleep cycle. Because I took 3h naps at 2h intervals, I now wake up in the middle of the night for 2h or more. It's been more than a week. Go me. Alright, back to talking about my commitment-free life: no doubt it gets (reaaaally) boring but I might just begin to like it. I mean, it feels great to actually be carefree for once in this 8-month break.

Uhm, wow so many words. I now feel inclined to add photos to this post, esp since this blog was supposed to be a ~photo documentation~ kinda thing. Yet, seeing how mundane my life is, I have none to adorn this post with. On this note, I would like to rant about the AF on my Canon kit lens. Ugh this is the second time the AF is failing me!!!!!! Why is this happening to me!?!?!?!?!!! Sigh I hope it's still under warranty.

Ok bb. Will update again with photos from the trip to the National Museum with Bessy & RX.

Oh wait, one last thing:

Diggin' Yeezus right now mmmmm
2 comments on "[text-only]"
  1. I almost forgot what your first job was hahaha

    1. I didn't see this comment till now but anyway - LOL
