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2016 / UK / London

July 21, 2016
 London, United Kingdom

Some time ago, before the whole #brexit shenanigan, I made an impromptu trip down to London. It was a decision made while I was downing 1L of beer at the Spring Festival here. In hindsight, that was probably not the best time to make decisions involving money... Anyway, I literally booked the ticket a couple of days before intended date of departure (which felt incredibly spontaneous at that time, but later during exchange I would make even more spontaneous decisions). 

London was one of the first few cities I visited during exchange and it really wowed me. I liked how the city showed a lot of character with the fine and polished streets and the graffiti-filled walls elsewhere. In that moment, I understood instantly why many artists and designers alike choose to be based in this city. 

On the flipside, the prices were OUT OF THIS WORLD. I walked far too much in this city where a single ride on the tube averaged at S$5. Ain't nobody got money fo/ that. So on the very first day, I walked for close to 2h from Victoria to King's Cross. After conquering that one hell of a walk, nowhere seemed too far on foot anymore. One day I might even conquer Joo Koon to Changi on foot hmmmmmm

(I actually really hate how only Mr. Happy is in focus in this photo)




On my second night, we headed to (the really hyped) Shake Shack for dinner... only to be sorely disappointed. Even if not for the high expectations we had for it, the burgers really fell short of quality. McDs would have been a wiser destination for burgers........... And let us not forget how this substandard burger set us back 7 pounds (!!!)


I never thought I'd ever have the chance to step foot into this famed room filled with Mark Rothko's paintings.

His paintings, with their enormous canvases and set in this dimly lit room, are meant to overwhelm the viewer and evoke emotions from him. Unfortunately I am not a discerning viewer and these did nothing for me oops. 

I liked this exhibit! It was something about how films portrayed factory workers throughout the eras. The second from left in this photo is from Metropolis, a German silent film from 1927.  For the lack of eloquence, it was very cool to have watched one of the chosen films here. 

This set of WW2 propaganda inspired art by John Heartfield is easily my favourite from Tate Modern's collection too!!!

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the strongest of them all in this country?"
"The crisis."


I didn't take interest to most of the paintings exhibited at the British Museum, but was really happy to see Georges Seurat's Bathers at Asnières in life! As well as Claude Monet's many works and one of Van Gogh's sunflower paintings.

Here's ending with a photo of Trafalgar Square in true British fashion of gloomy days.

Will I be back soon? Honestly I am not sure. If I was asked this a week after I was there, I'd reply with an eager "YES!" in a heartbeat. As exchange progressed and I made more trips, however, I realise there are other cities that have captivated my heart more than London ever did. A couple far up north in Scandinavia and others right in the very country I'm doing my exchange in. 

That is not to say I didn't enjoy London though. I had too few days and too little time (AND MONEY). I really appreciated how everybody didn't give two hoots about what they were wearing and embraced individuality. It was a fresh change from Stuttgart, where I'm currently based in, where everyone was decked in exclusively dull colours. I recall feeling colourful wearing a denim jacket here... which was strange.
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