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2014 / South Korea / Seoul (1)

February 3, 2016
 Seoul, South Korea

Real procrastination is editing holiday photos from the summer of twenty FOURTEEN. That's almost an eternity ago and I can hardly recall having been to Seoul at all with ma #seoulspinster, RX. I kid - I do. I do remember how it was real chilly the night we reached South Korea and we braced ourselves for the cold by wearing jeans the next day... only to resist the urge of ripping them off in the scorching heat of the sun. I also remember the one time a local asked me for directions. And now, I will always recall that upon seeing some of these photos. 





BEST. CHICKEN. EVER. Or maybe I was just reaaaally into that japchae lying under all that braised chicken. But I swear I dream of this dish from time to time.



Moments before this photo was taken, a seemingly lost student approached me for directions.

I didn't think I could blend in that well with sunglasses resting on the top of my head and a hugeass DSLR hanging from my neck. I felt bad nonetheless because 1) I can't help him out and, 2) I don't know even how to tell him I can't help. But I think he got it after watching me fumble for a while.

Then, moments after I'd taken that photo to take another side of the campus (das right, a uni campus), an elderly Korean couple approached me to help them take photos. Ah, photo-taking... that doesn't involve language skills; that's something I could do. So I did. They tried to communicate with me too, asking me where I was from with the little English they knew.

Back to the main point – how is this a university campus!?!?! Unreal. This is how I imagined European schools to be like in spring, what with overgrown vines... but wait, there's more.....

,,, there's more. of. gorgeous. universities.

Ewha Women's University was a stone's throw away from the hostel we stayed at. All that time, I had zero clue behind those gates laid such an unimaginable school. It was breathtaking in all 360 degrees! Seriously unreal. There were several couples on dates the weekend we were there and we could totally see why. 

This is a library. A library.

It could almost pass off as a museum for contemporary art or a venue for performing arts!!!11

Ending of with more dishes I dream of – black bean noodles army stew!!

Perhaps this was really too long ago and that's why I have no reflections of this summer getaway. What I do have to say, though, is I think I've found the Lightroom settings that emulate the way I'd edited my photos in the past!!! Well, not perfectly... but I'm getting close! *throws confetti* 
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